Bursitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Bursitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Bursitis is an inflammatory condition of the bursa. A bursa is a kind of fluid-filled sac that is located between bones, joints, and muscles


Bursitis is an inflammatory condition of the bursa. Bursa is a kind of fluid-filled sac located between bones, joints and muscles that serves as a cushion. These bearings work so that the bones, joints and muscles do not rub against one another during movement.

There are about 150 bursae in the human body. However, like other organic structures, the bursa can be damaged by injury or disease. For example bursitis that occurs due to inflammation. The condition of bursitis itself most often occurs in bursas located in large joint areas, such as knees and shoulders.


Bursitis can cause pain and discomfort, which ultimately limits the movement of the sufferer. This condition should not be left unchecked and must be treated immediately so that complications do not arise.


There are several causes of bursitis, including:

  • Moving the joint area too often, for example bursitis in the elbow area that occurs in tennis players
  • Arthritis due to gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory joint disease caused by an autoimmune disease
  • Bacterial infection


In the early stages of the diagnosis process, the doctor will examine the area that is experiencing pain and ask the patient about the triggers of the pain they are experiencing. If a bursitis is suspected, the doctor will recommend an X-ray examination to distinguish bursitis from disorders of the bones.

To confirm bursitis, sometimes an MRI examination is also necessary. If the suspected cause of bursitis is due to infection, the doctor will recommend blood tests and fluid collection from the affected bursa to find out the germs that cause bursitis.


Symptoms of bursitis include:

  • Pain that gets worse when the joint near the bursa is moved
  • Redness and swelling
  • The area affected by bursitis is difficult to move
  • Fever if the bursitis is due to infection

Types of Bursitis


If the symptoms are not severe and do not really interfere with activities, you can treat bursitis yourself at home by:

  • Rest the painful area for 1-2 weeks.
  • Compress the area experiencing bursitis with ice wrapped in a cloth or towel to reduce inflammation.
  • Taking anti-inflammatories and painkillers such as ibuprofen or mefenamic acid.
  • If the pain gets worse, consult your doctor again. Generally, the doctor will inject steroids (anti-inflammatory drugs) into the inflamed bursa. If the bursitis is caused by an infection, then antibiotics will be needed.


To prevent bursitis, the following should be done:

  • Protect the joint area during activities. For example, for tennis players and golf players, you should always use elbow protectors.
  • Wear a specific type of shoe that is appropriate for the type of exercise you are doing. For example, when running, use running shoes (running shoes).
  • When doing repetitive activities on the joints, take regular breaks.
  • Avoid overweight and obesity.
  • Before exercising, warm up and stretch for at least 5-10 minutes.

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