Bulimia Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Bulimia Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Bulimia is an eating disorder and mental disorder that is serious and can be fatal. People with bulimia will experience hunger.

Bulimia Understanding

Bulimia is an eating disorder and mental disorder that is serious and can be fatal. People with bulimia have an eating pattern that is divided into binge eating and purging. Binge eating is the habit of eating too much and excessively ( binge eating ) in a short time. Furthermore, bulimics will perform purging methods to avoid weight gain.

This diet continues to rotate. People with bulimia will experience hunger or stress or sadness which causes binge eating. However, after that the sufferer will experience guilt or shame so he wants to do the cleaning.

There are many cleaning methods that can be used. Some of them are vomiting food that was previously consumed, excessive exercise, using laxatives or laxatives, fasting or a combination. However, having bulimia does not mean you are underweight. There are patients who are overweight or even obese.

This disorder can affect all groups. However, it is generally more common in young women in their twenties.

Bulimia Reason

The exact cause of bulimia is still unknown. However, several risk factors associated with this disorder include:

  • patient or family history of eating disorders, depression, drug or alcohol addiction
  • Sufferers are often criticized for eating habits, body shape, and weight
  • too worried about being slim especially if pressured by jobs like ballet dancing or modeling
  • have low self-confidence, anxiety, obsessive personality, perfectionist
  • history of sexual abuse

Bulimia Symptoms

Some recognizable symptoms of bulimia include:

  • Eating very much and uncontrollably in a short time ( binge eating )
  • Trying to make myself puke after binge eating
  • Using laxatives or laxatives after binge eating
  • Exercising excessively after binge eating
  • Have an excessive fear of gaining weight
  • Very critical about weight and body shape
  • Mood changes easily, for example, become tense over anxiety

Symptoms of bulimia are often difficult to detect because sufferers usually do it secretly.

Bulimia Effect
Photo Credit: Google and everybodybehavioralhealth.com

Bulimia can cause physical abnormalities due to this diet and nutritional deficiencies which include:

  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Dental problems due to stomach acid
  • Bad breath and sore throat due to stomach acid
  • Irregular menstruation or no menstruation
  • Dry hair and skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Swollen glands
  • Spastic muscles
  • Heart, kidney, intestinal problems such as constipation
  • Bone problems such as osteoporosis

Bulimia Diagnosis

Usually, doctors can determine the diagnosis of bulimia from eating habits, feelings, and an assessment of the patient’s health condition and weight. However, it is usually difficult for sufferers to express it. Therefore it would be better if the sufferer is accompanied by family or someone the sufferer trusts.

Bulimia Treatment

Bulimia treatment takes a long time and is different for each sufferer. Sufferers will generally follow cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition, sufferers can also make journals and meal plans to be regular. If sufferers experience mental disorders such as depression or anxiety, then it is important to be treated as well.

Protecting the body especially the throat and mouth from stomach acid is also important. Using mouthwash or a toothbrush after vomiting can maintain healthy teeth. Also, avoid acidic foods such as orange juice.

Sufferers may have to be treated if they are very underweight, have heart problems, or are at risk of suicide.

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