Beware, Sleeping with the Fan On Can Make Allergies

Although it makes the atmosphere more comfortable, sleeping with the fan on can actually increase the risk of allergies. Recognize the symptoms, and prevent it before it’s too late!

Cool room conditions can make you sleep more soundly. To make it happen, some people choose to use a fan. In addition to saving electricity, the sensation of the wind coming from the fan is also much different from the air conditioner.

It is undeniable, the use of a fan can indeed make the atmosphere of the room feel more comfortable.

Unfortunately, one thing can also increase the risk of disease silently. Not only can it make you catch a cold, the use of a fan also increases the risk of allergies.

“Sleeping with a fan can indeed trigger a relapse of allergies,” said dr. Devia Irine Putri.

Reasons Why Fans Can Cause Allergies

Basically, the function of the fan is to draw the surrounding air to be expelled in the desired direction. This allows air circulation to and from the same place.

Unfortunately, the rotating air due to the use of a fan also carries dust particles, mites, pollen, pollutants, or other impurities that can trigger allergic complaints in sensitive people.

Adding an explanation, dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti said fans also tend to store dust because they are rarely cleaned.

“So, when the fan rotates, the dust stored in it comes out with the wind,” said dr. Astrid.

The same thing was also expressed by an allergist from New York City, United States, who is also the author of The New Allergy Solution “Dr. Clifford Bassett. According to him, fans can circulate airborne particles in the room, including pollutants and some allergens.

Types of Allergies Due to Sleeping with the Fan On

Allergens that fly due to the use of fans can cause the following complaints.

  • Eczema Atopic

Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. The main symptoms are intermittent itching, redness, and darker skin around the eyes.

Not only that, atopic eczema can also cause symptoms of dry skin, cracks, peeling, and even bleeding.

  • Cold Allergy

A cold allergy occurs when a person is exposed to air or water that is too cold. Symptoms of this type of allergy include hives or bumps, redness of the eyes and skin, itching and burning.

In severe cases, cold allergies can cause shortness of breath or asthma, and loss of consciousness.

  • Dust Allergy

When dust enters through the respiratory tract, the immune system of a sensitive person’s body will perceive it as something very dangerous.

Symptoms that can occur due to dust allergies, such as coughing, sneezing, and red and watery eyes.

In addition, dust allergies can also trigger symptoms of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and shortness of breath; similar to asthma.

  • Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis occurs when the nasal membranes become inflamed due to the immune system seeing the allergen as a very dangerous substance.

Symptoms that can occur due to allergic rhinitis include itching in the ears and nose, itchy throat, cough, runny nose, and facial discomfort.

In advanced cases, allergic rhinitis can cause complications such as nasal polyps, sinusitis, and middle ear infections.

Beware of Dangerous Allergy Symptoms

Allergies that are not treated immediately can cause symptoms that get worse over time. Based on the narrative of dr. Devia, symptoms of a very severe allergy is called anaphylactic shock.

“Anaphylactic shock is characterized by severe shortness of breath, cold sweats, palpitations, swelling of the eyes, lips or throat. If palpated, the pulse is also not felt. If not treated immediately, anaphylactic shock can cause loss of consciousness,” said dr. Devi.

Because it is a systemic reaction that involves all parts of the body, anaphylactic shock needs to be treated immediately. If late, this condition can lead to death.

Allergy-free tips even if you sleep with a fan

To avoid the dangers of sleeping with a fan, some of the things you can do are the following.

  • Diligently clean the room or bedroom.
  • Avoid storing objects that can generate dust, such as dolls or cardboard.
  • Clean the fan regularly. Do not allow dirt to stick, either on the outside or inside.
  • If possible, use an air purifier in the corner of the room. The function of the tool is to filter the air to make it cleaner.

“This effort is very important to do, especially if you have a history of allergies,” concluded dr. Devi.

Fan allergy occurs not because of the object, but due to dust, mites, or circulating allergens. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you want to keep using the fan to make the room cooler.

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