Best Games For Kids By Age

When it comes to the best games for kids, many types of games come to mind. From cricket to football, hockey to kabaddi etc. But, have you ever wondered what could be the top games for kids according to age!

The answer of most parents on this may probably be no. Usually, parents let their children go with their group to play children’s games. But if games are played according to the age of small children, then along with their physical development, their mental development can also be given the right direction and pace.

World Athletics Day: Best sports for children according to age

World Athletics Day highlights the importance of the best sport for children. This is why here we are telling the best games for children according to age.

Best games for young children aged 2 to 5 years

Toddlers and young children ages 2 to 5 Preschool Come in the list of children. During this age of development, children often prefer playing and studying with children of their own age, away from the family circumstances. Besides, their mind is also ready to learn new skills.

Therefore, children aged 2 to 5 years can be given games to play that can help them develop new skills as well as good social behavior. So that they can stay away from stress and can promote good physical and mental development with proper sports.

The list of top games for little kids aged 2 to 5 years includes:

  • Running
  • Dancing
  • Tumbling
  • Throwing
  • Catching
  • Swimming

To understand the sports of their small child, parents can contact the nearest sports club and select the sport for their child according to the age. Keep in mind that the bones of children up to 5 years of age continue to develop, so they should be protected from playing sports that can cause injury.

Best Games for kids Aged 6 to 9

As children develop physically, their reasoning ability Along with this, their physical strength also starts increasing. Also, at this age, along with understanding the rules and regulations of the game, children can also start using their own mental abilities to play the game and can execute their game skills with a good rule and strategy. Are.

The list of top games for kids aged 6 to 9 includes:

  • Martial Arts
  • Cricket
  • Running
  • Football
  • Touch Rugby
  • gymnastics
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Card Games
  • Cycling

Best games for kids ages 10 and up

By the age of 10, children develop the skill of thinking and understanding what is good and bad for themselves. They can also easily resolve conflicts within their group of children and take care of minor injuries that may occur during play. Therefore, if the child is 10 years old or older, parents can encourage him to actively participate in any kind of physical sports.

The list of top games for kids ages 10 and up includes:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Martial Arts
  • Boxing

Also keep in mind that as children grow up, they also start developing strategies to play the games of their interest in a better way. That means, this age can also be considered as the age for a child to improve in sports.

Also, it is possible that a child’s interest in playing sports also changes with increasing age. For example, if a child liked playing cricket at a young age, it is possible that at an older age he may be more interested in playing martial arts or some other sport.

In such a situation, parents should be given the freedom to choose the best game for their children and children should also play games with the family.

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