Benefits of Exercise for People with Parkinson’s and the Right Type

Who says people with Parkinson’s disease can’t exercise? In fact, by doing sports, there are many benefits that he can get for his survival. But remember, exercise for people with Parkinson’s should not be done carelessly. To be safe, follow the guidelines below, come on!

What are the benefits of exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder characterized by movement problems. These include tremors, slowed movement, and muscle rigidity, as well as other symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Even though you have movement problems, that doesn’t mean people with Parkinson’s can’t move.

In fact, moving includes exercise so that it can be one way to support the Parkinson’s treatment being undertaken.

This is because exercise is known to nourish the body, help slow disease progression, and control symptoms.

Not only that, exercise can also help maintain balance and mobility so that people with Parkinson’s can carry out daily activities.

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This activity can also prevent secondary effects that may develop from Parkinson’s disease.

For example, poor posture and balance, decreased range of motion and muscle strength (which causes the body to bend over), and decreased endurance.

In fact, the benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s have also been proven through research.

Based on research titled the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project, exercise for Parkinson’s disease is said to have good benefits.

People with Parkinson’s who started exercising earlier and for at least 2.5 hours a week experienced a slower decline in quality of life than those who started exercising later.

In addition, some of the benefits of exercise below can also be obtained by Parkinson’s sufferers.

1. Improve sleep quality.
2. Reduces other Parkinson’s symptoms not related to movements, such as constipation, stress, and depression.
3. Protects and improves brain health.
4. Prevents falling when you suddenly can’t move.
5. Increase social interaction, because it can be done with other people.

The right type of exercise for people with Parkinson’s

The right exercise for people with Parkinson’s can vary. This depends on the overall state of health, the symptoms that appear, and the level of activity before the disease occurs.

However, in general, here are some types of exercise that may be beneficial for people with Parkinson’s.

1. Aerobic exercise, such as walking

Aerobic exercise is a type of exercise that increases your heart rate and requires a lot of oxygen. For example, walking, cycling, running, swimming, and exercising using a treadmill or stationary bicycle.

You can do aerobic exercise gradually, starting from 10 minutes every day and repeated throughout the week. Then increase the time slowly.

As for doing aerobic exercise at least three days a week for 30-40 minutes is believed to slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

2. Strength training, such as weightlifting

Strength training involves using body weight or other tools to build muscle mass and strength. This includes lifting weights or using resistance bands.

With strong muscles, people with Parkinson’s can prevent a decrease in muscle strength. In addition, strength training on the muscles in the back of the body can help maintain posture.

To get these benefits, people with Parkinson’s need to do this exercise two days per week starting with light weights and done repeatedly.

3. Flexibility or stretching exercises

Not only that difficult, just stretching can also help people with Parkinson’s.

Stretching can make people with Parkinson’s bodies more flexible, making it easier to move and have good posture.

To get these benefits, there are many stretching techniques that you can do. For example, you can sit in a chair and make circular movements left and right.

If you’re tall enough, you can hold on to the door frame, straighten your arms, then lean forward slowly.

You can do this exercise for 30-60 seconds of each stretch.

4. Yoga, tai chi, or pilates

In addition to the three types of exercise above, other forms such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates can also be beneficial for people with Parkinson’s.

This type of exercise can help train balance, muscle strength, and flexibility. Not only that, the three types of exercise can also help maintain the posture of people with Parkinson’s.

However, you can also get these benefits by doing other types of sports or activities, such as gardening, dancing, golf, or boxing.

Things to consider before starting exercise for Parkinson’s

Not only about the type, people with Parkinson’s also need to pay attention to other things before starting to exercise.

You need to do this in order to get the optimal benefits from exercise and it is safe for your condition.

Here are things that people with Parkinson’s need to pay attention to before and when starting exercise.

1. Consult with your doctor about the right type of exercise according to your condition.
2. Do various types of exercise a week, both indoors and outdoors.
3. Choose a sport you like.
4. Ask your doctor to recommend a therapy for Parkinson’s that suits your condition, especially physical therapy, then ask the therapist to create a structured exercise program, such as target times and intensity of exercise.
5. Calculate and monitor your sports progress. For example, how many walking steps have you taken today?
6. Always warm-up before exercising.
7. Avoid places or sports equipment that could injure you, such as slippery floors or rooms with poor lighting.
8. If you feel pain in the middle of an exercise, you should stop immediately and rest.
9. Start exercising slowly and increase the intensity and duration over time.

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