Benefits of Candlenut Oil for Skin and Hair

You may have often heard of hazelnut oil. Usually, hazelnut oil is used for hair health. Early parents may often apply hazelnut oil to their children’s hair so that their children’s hair becomes black and thick. Today, there are many hair and skin beauty products that contain hazelnut oil. Not infrequently, candlenut oil is also used as a massage oil. Actually, what are the benefits of hazelnut oil?

Various benefits of hazelnut oil that you need to know

Candlenut oil comes from a plant called Aleurites moluccana. This plant from Hawaii is taken from its seeds to be used as oil and into candlenut oil. Candlenut oil has long been used for healthy hair and skin. The following are the benefits of hazelnut oil.

1. Maintain skin moisture

Candlenut contains fatty acids which are then extracted to make candlenut oil. Because of this content, hazelnut oil is useful for moisturizing dry skin. Candlenut oil can enter and seep into the pores of the skin easily, so it can nourish the skin. Skin becomes smoother and supple. You also don’t have to worry about the hazelnut oil leaving oil marks on the skin.

2. Protects the skin from the sun

In addition to fatty acids, candlenut oil also contains various vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. These three vitamins can function as antioxidants that can protect the skin from various damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can be received by the skin from various sources in the environment, such as from sunlight, wind, dust, and particles from other environments.

3. Help heal wounds on the skin

Candlenut oil is also beneficial in curing certain skin problems. Such as, cracked skin, dry skin, minor skin irritations, cuts, burns, eczema, scars, lesions, acne, and psoriasis. The content of fatty acids and antioxidants in hazelnut oil may help in dealing with these skin problems.

4. Reduce hair loss

Does your hair often fall out in large quantities? Hair loss in small amounts may be common in everyone. However, if your hair falls out frequently in large amounts, this may be a problem. One way you can do to overcome this is to use hazelnut oil.

Apply hazelnut oil on your hair every day. Candlenut oil is believed to reduce or even prevent hair loss from the roots. The protein and mineral content in hazelnut oil can help strengthen the roots of your hair. In addition, using hazelnut oil can also accelerate the growth of new hair.

5. Maintain healthy hair and scalp

Candlenut oil contains amino acids as well as fatty acids that can penetrate your hair shaft and scalp. This keeps your hair and scalp healthy. Candlenut oil can make hair look shiny, maintain the original hair color, and make hair thicker and smoother. In addition, hazelnut oil can also treat itchy scalp and dandruff.

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