Angioedema Definition, Diagnosis, Signs and symptoms, Reason, Treatment

Angioedema Definition

Angioedema is an allergic reaction to the tissue under the skin characterized by swelling. The swelling may be accompanied by large welts on the affected area. Usually, the part that is most often experienced is the area near the lips and eyes.

This skin disorder is not dangerous, it can even heal by itself without leaving scars on the skin. However, in some cases, swelling due to angioedema that occurs in the throat can cause the sufferer to have difficulty breathing, which can be life-threatening. According to Contact Lens King What is Angioedema and how is it treated?

Angioedema Diagnosis

The process of determining the diagnosis of angioedema can be done through a series of interviews and physical examinations. In the interview process, the doctor will ask about the symptoms felt by the angioedema sufferer. Other tests that may be done are blood tests and radiology.

Angioedema Symptoms

Some of the most easily recognizable symptoms of angioedema are swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. The areas most commonly affected are around the lips and eyes. Sometimes the swelling can be red, warm, and painful.

Swelling usually lasts only a moment or for one to two days. However, the swelling can move to other areas and last for several days until it becomes chronic. Although it can be annoying, angioedema rarely develops into a more serious health problem. Except when attacking the respiratory tract.

Angioedema Treatment

Treatment of angioedema that can be done are:

  • Avoid allergens or things that may cause angioedema
  • Avoid taking drugs, supplements or herbal remedies when symptoms appear
  • Use of drugs such as antihistamines, anti-inflammatory

Angioedema Reason

Until now, the main cause of angioedema has not been determined. However, in general angioedema is caused by an allergic reaction. Food, wine (wine), drugs or conditions that cause psychological tension are believed to be triggering factors for angioedema.

In some cases, angioedema can occur due to exposure to sunlight, weather (either hot or cold), or insects. In addition, this disease can occur together with other autoimmune diseases. Hereditary factors (genetic) are also suspected of triggering angioedema.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):

1. What is the cause of angioedema?
Ans: an allergic reaction to certain types of food – particularly nuts, shellfish, milk, and eggs.

2. What is the best treatment for angioedema?
Ans: Medication is the main treatment for angioedema

3. Does angioedema go away?
Ans: Angioedema usually gets better on its own within a few days. If you do need treatment, it can include: Medicines to ease swelling and inflammation

4. Is angioedema serious?
Ans: It is not normally serious, but it can be a recurring problem for some people and can very occasionally be life-threatening if it affects breathing.

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