Abacus Meaning – Definition & Synonyms

The term we analyze comes from the Greek word abax, which literally means “counting table”, although some sources maintain that it comes from the Hebrew word abax, which translates as dust.

Both etymologies have something in common since it is believed that in ancient times basic mathematical operations were done on a table with accumulated dust on which some type of graphic symbols or counting marks were written down.

It must be taken into account that the use of numbers as we know them, Arabic numerals, appeared in the 10th century and the + and – symbols emerged in the 15th century.

The abacus was invented in China in 190 AD. c

Originally this mathematical calculation instrument was made of wood. Movable pieces are placed on tables with different rods, which move to perform different arithmetic operations. With this device it is possible to count numbers and perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It could be said that this device was the first calculator used by humans.

Although its use is a minority in the educational system, it is still used in countries such as China, Japan or Korea. From the point of view of mathematics teaching, it is a useful tool to understand the importance of the position of the digits and the meaning of basic operations. In recent years the abacus has become fashionable as an educational toy for children.

Different ways to calculate

In many circumstances of daily life we ​​have the need to calculate. If the operation is simple, we can do it mentally.

If you are a child learning the rudiments of calculus, you will likely use your fingers.

In the event that the operation is of a certain complexity, there are several alternatives: the use of paper and pencil to carry out the typical accounts, the use of a calculator or the abacus.

In the Inca culture, a system of ropes and knots known as quipu was used. With this procedure, the Incas carried out all types of calculations related to daily life.

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The blind and mathematical calculations

Currently, blind people have the possibility of using electronic devices with voice to perform mathematical operations. However, this technology is relatively recent, and blind people have had to resort to other strategies to perform calculations.

In teaching for the blind, the abacus has been the fundamental tool for learning arithmetic, since through touch it is possible to move the balls of the rods following rules and perform any operation.

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