9 Content of Cigarettes That Have A Terrible Effect on the Body

The magnitude of the danger of cigarette smoke can be seen from the number of compounds in cigarette smoke. In the smoke alone, there are at least about 5,000 different compounds and some are toxic to the body.

The toxic content of cigarettes has the potential to damage body cells. In addition, compounds in cigarette smoke are also carcinogenic alias trigger cancer. In cigarettes, there are 250 types of toxic substances and 70 types of substances that are known to be carcinogenic.

The content comes from the main raw material of cigarettes, namely tobacco. In addition, the dyes that are commonly used to make cigarettes look more attractive can increase the toxic potential of cigarettes. Its addictive or addictive effect should also not be forgotten.

Another thing that should be noted is the ability of some ingredients in cigarettes to change the physical properties of cigarette smoke, so that the levels of toxins and nicotine in a smoker’s body become higher.

The content of cigarettes that are destructive

As mentioned above, the content of cigarettes that are harmful to the body is very much. Some of the harmful compounds contained in cigarettes include:

1. Carbon monoxide

One of the contents of cigarettes is the toxic gas carbon monoxide which has no taste and odor. If you inhale too much carbon monoxide, your red blood cells will bind to more carbon monoxide than oxygen.

As a result, muscle and heart function will decrease. This will cause fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. On a large scale, people who inhale this gas can fall into a coma or even die.

2. Nicotine

The content of cigarettes that is most often mentioned is nicotine which has an addictive effect. Nicotine functions as an intermediary in the brain’s nervous system causing a variety of reactions, including pleasant and calming effects.

The nicotine inhaled by smokers will be absorbed into the bloodstream, then stimulate the body to produce more adrenaline, causing an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.

Although it is addictive, nicotine is not the main cause of disease due to smoking. According to research from a medical institution in England, namely the UK Royal College of Physicians, the risk of disease due to smoking is not caused by nicotine, but the harmful substances in cigarette smoke due to burning.

However, nicotine is not for consumption by people under 18 years of age or pregnant women. Nicotine exposure in children is known to interfere with brain development and increase the risk of impulsive behavior and mood disorders.

3. Tar

Another carcinogenic content of cigarettes is tar. Tar inhaled by smokers will settle in the lungs. Tar deposits are at high risk of causing diseases of the lungs, such as lung cancer and emphysema.

Not only that, tar will enter the blood circulation and increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and fertility problems.

Tar can be seen through the yellow or brown stains left on the teeth and fingers. Since tar goes directly into the mouth, this harmful substance can also cause gum problems and oral cancer.

In fact, various health risks due to smoking are mainly caused by tar substances produced from burning cigarettes. If products containing nicotine are not burned, tar and smoke will not be formed, making them relatively safer.

4. Hydrogen cyanide

Another toxic compound that is the building block of cigarettes is hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide is also used in the textile, plastics, paper industries, and is often used as an ingredient in insecticide fumes.

These compounds can prevent the body from using oxygen properly and can harm the brain, heart, blood vessels, and lungs. The effects of these compounds can cause fatigue, headaches, and nausea, to loss of consciousness.

5. Benzene

Benzene is a residue from burning cigarettes. Long-term exposure to benzene can lower red blood cell counts and damage bone marrow, increasing the risk of anemia and bleeding.

In addition, benzene also damages white blood cells, thereby lowering the immune system and increasing the risk of developing leukemia.

6. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a residue from cigarette burning. In the short term, formaldehyde causes irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. In the long term, formaldehyde may increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.

7. Arsenic

Arsenic is the first class of carcinogens. Exposure to high levels of arsenic can increase the risk of skin cancer, lung cancer, urinary tract cancer, kidney cancer, and liver cancer. Arsenic is found in cigarettes through pesticides used in tobacco farming.

8. Cadmium

Cadmium contained in cigarette smoke will be absorbed into the lungs. High levels of cadmium in the body can cause vomiting, diarrhea, kidney disease, brittle bones, and increase the risk of lung cancer.

9. Ammonia

Ammonia is a poisonous gas, colorless, but has a pungent odor. In the cigarette industry, ammonia is used to enhance the effects of nicotine addiction.

Short-term inhalation and exposure to ammonia can result in shortness of breath, shortness of breath, eye irritation and sore throat. While the long-term impact can cause pneumonia and throat cancer.

Seeing the dangers of the toxic and carcinogenic content of cigarettes above, it is proper to stop smoking. From now on, try to make efforts to quit smoking to prevent further damage that occurs in the body.

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