6 Facts About TRAPPIST-1 That Has 7 Planets Like Our Earth

1. A system called TRAPPIST-1 has been discovered that has 7 Earth-sized planets.

A system called TRAPPIST-1 has been discovered that has 7 Earth-sized planets
2. When seen from earth, the seven planets orbit a small “dwarf”-sized star that is much smaller than the sun.
3. It is estimated that 6 of the 7 planets have rocky surfaces like Earth.

It is estimated that 6 of the 7 planets have rocky surfaces like Earth.
4. 3 of the 7 planets have a surface like an ocean containing water!

3 of the 7 planets have a surface like an ocean containing water
5. TRAPPIST-1 was discovered by a team of Belgian scientists led by Michael Gillon.
6. The device used to identify the position of the system is called the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope or TRAPPIST.
7. That is why the system is called TRAPPIST-1 because it is the first system discovered by the telescope.

According To Professor Dave Explains Exploring the TRAPPIST-1 System

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