5 Things to Pay Attention to After Installing the Heart Ring

Insertion of a ring or stent can save lives. There are several things that must be considered after the procedure to install a heart ring.

In patients with coronary heart disease whose condition is severe enough, the doctor will recommend installing a heart ring. If you want to or have just done it, don’t go straight to your usual activities. The reason is, there are several things that must be considered after installing the heart ring.

Please note, the installation of a ring or stent in the heart is part of an action known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). PCI is a non-surgical procedure that uses a catheter to place a small structure, called a ring, to open blood vessels in the heart that have been narrowed by plaque buildup ( atherosclerosis ).

PCI can increase blood flow, thereby reducing heart-related chest pain, making patients feel better, and increasing their ability and quality to be active again.

Other uses of PCI include relieving or reducing angina (typical left chest pain), preventing heart attacks, and relieving symptoms of congestive heart failure. It also allows some patients to avoid surgery ( coronary artery bypass graft or CABG), a surgery that is extensive and often requires a long rehabilitation time.

Things to watch out for after installing the heart ring

Yesterday (19/11), former soap opera actor Cecep Reza passed away. Before he died, it was reported that he had a heart ring installed, although the exact time is not known.

A friend of the late, Ade Firman Hakim, had revealed through his social media account, that not long after the installation of the heart ring Cecep had returned to work as a photographer.

Reflecting on this incident, patients who have just had a heart ring installed are not recommended to return to their usual activities, let alone strenuous activities. In full, here are some things to consider after the PCI procedure.

  1. In the hospital

    • Observe vital signs and bleeding. After the procedure, the patient will be taken to the recovery room for observation. The patient will remain in bed for several hours after the procedure. The nurse will monitor vital signs, insertion site, and circulation or sensation in the leg or arm at the incision site.
    • Report chest pain, tightness, a warm sensation, bleeding, or pain around the incision (usually the leg or arm).
    • Bed rest ( bed rest ) of varying length, can be 2-6 hours depending on conditions.
    • Use of the potty. The urge to urinate may occur as a result of the contrast staining procedure performed. Using an assistive device to urinate can reduce mobilization and the risk of bending the leg and arm at the incision site.
    • Gradual mobilization.
    • Inpatient. This is usually required to monitor the patient’s condition after PCI. What is monitored includes vital signs, complaints, and post-operative recovery until the patient is completely stable and strong enough for outpatient treatment.
  1. At home

    • Check the location of the access ring installation location. Arriving at home, the patient should monitor the location where the incision was made for the PCI line. What must be considered is the presence or absence of pain, swelling, changes in color, temperature, or other skin abnormalities.
    • Gradual mobilization. Patients will be advised not to do strenuous activities. The doctor will tell when the patient can return to work and resume normal activities while carrying out control.
  1. Regulate diet

In addition to not being allowed to do strenuous activities, patients must also avoid some foods that are not good for coronary heart patients. Avoid foods that contain high triglycerides and sodium, namely: coconut milk, fried foods, margarine, coconut, salt, sugar (because it has a direct effect on triglycerides), and others.

Also avoid foods that contain high cholesterol such as processed meats, fried foods, fast food, all types of bread, cakes, and cookies that contain a lot of saturated fat, and so on.

  1. Do not smoke

Do not return to smoking if you previously had these bad habits. Cigarette smoke and other harmful compounds in cigarettes can cause bad side effects for the heart and can make the heart work harder. Avoid cigarette smoke as much as possible so that the heart ring can work properly.

  1. Patients should immediately go to the emergency room or the nearest doctor if they feel:

    • Fever or chills.
    • Increased pain, redness, swelling, or bleeding or drainage (seepage from the wound at the incision site).
    • Cold, numbness, tingling, or other changes at the incision site.
    • Pain, feeling of pressure in the chest, nausea and vomiting, profuse sweating, dizziness, and fainting.

The doctor will provide additional or alternative instructions after the procedure, depending on the specific situation.

The patient may feel pain at the incision site. Analgesics (pain relievers) can be used to treat mild to moderate pain. Antiplatelet drugs can also be given to prevent blood clots from forming.

The cardiologist will instruct postoperative hospitalization to evaluate and avoid complications such as bleeding, blood clots, or problems with blood flow to the heart.

The hospitalization period will be longer if the patient has a coronary event such as a heart attack. The patient will be instructed to drink plenty of water and limit physical activity for some time. This is important in order to maximize therapy and avoid unwanted complications.

These are the things that must be considered after installing the heart ring. Such procedures can save the lives of patients with coronary heart disease. However, patients still have to modify their lifestyles to maintain and improve heart health. Apply a consistent lifestyle, starting from a complete, nutritionally balanced diet, regular exercise, and quitting smoking.

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